Deutsch Englisch
Gran Caffè (100 % arabica) - bag 1 kg - Ice cream Powder

Gran Caffè (100 % arabica) - bag 1 kg - Ice cream Powder

Price: 29,00 € plus VAT. plus Delivery Product number.: 1556 3-5 days

Gran Caffè (100 % arabica)
€ / kg = 29,00
kg / bag = 1,00 kg
( box - 6 bags )


Caffee powder for the production of ice cream
Ingredients: soluble coffee 100 % Arabica
Contains caffeine. Not recommended for children and pregnant women.
Use: for ICE Gran Caffè 15 - 30 g per  kg base mix; für INSTANT COFFEE Gran Caffè 15 - 20 g per 1 liter hot water.
Minimum shelf life: 2 years
Cold, dry and original packaging!
Nutritional values x 100 g (obtained by calculation) - Nährwerte x 100 g (durch Berechnung erhalten): Energy - Energie 118 kcal – 484 kJ / Fat - Fett 0,20 g / Saturated - davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,10 g / Carbohydrates - Kohlenhydrate 3,10 g / Sugar - davon Zucker 0,00 g / Proteine - Protein 7,80 g / Salt - Salz 0,25 g

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